Awesome Happy Holiday The holiday season is here, and people are feeling festive. It is the time of year when our hearts our hearts are just a bit larger, our smiles are just a bit wider, and our families are just a bit closer. We here at Carlos German & Team would like to take a moment to wish you and yours a healthy and happy holiday season!

As you prepare to celebrate with your family, take a moment to reflect on this year. Tell the ones you love that you appreciate them, and be thankful for all that you have. Please remember that everyone is not as fortunate as you may be. Make an effort to thank friends and family for all they do. Smile at a stranger on the street for no reason at all. If you have a spare hour this season, use it to spread good cheer. Please pause to remember our troops who cannot be with their loved ones for the holidays. These brave men and women are separated from their families for our benefit.

As 2015 moves out and 2016 moves in, we here at Carlos German & Team plan on spending time with family and friends. We would also like to thank everyone who has meant so much to us this year, including you. Thank you for letting our team handle your real estate needs in the Disney Orlando area. It is because of you that we had another enjoyable year. We would also like to thank anyone who has taken time to browse our site or contacted us to ask for more information. We appreciate all of you. Our entire team had a great year, and we expect 2016 to be even more memorable. We will be looking for even more opportunities that we can pass along to you!

Posted by Maria Roche on


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