At last there are rebounds in the real estate market… Vacation Home sales have been reported at soaring levels that have not been seen since the days of the housing boom, according to The Wall Street Journal. Deep discounts and cash purchases are the reason according to analysts, in various areas across the country, and certainly the rise has been felt here in Florida.

What does that mean for you? It means that now is the time for ACTION. If you are looking to buy or wanting to sell Vacation Properties, then we should be talking today.

Sales across Florida are rising, for example in Palm Beach there has been a nearly 40 percent increase over the past year from 2009. Buyers are coming off the sidelines and stepping up to the plate to take advantage of…

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Every day, we are bombarded with loud advertisements telling you ways of attaining your score and offering services to improve it if it is unfavorable. What does this all mean? Where can you turn to get sound advice? Many do not know, but the federal government has agencies, bureaus and commissions to handle and address any issue, including consumer credit.

Although the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) is not mentioned in any of those ads, it does provide the most comprehensive source of information to help you unravel the many mysteries associated with your credit score and the legitimate steps you can take to correct bad credit. Until you view all of the information the government has to offer, here are some helpful tidbits to get you going.

To be clear,

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